Using hempseed oil during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most crucial periods of a woman’s life and is a time when one wants to be extra health-conscious. It’s not only the question of safety but the question of the baby’s health also. Therefore, every expectant mum wants to be extra careful during this period. Hemp oil is one of the health giving products that doctors may prescribe in New Zealand.

One of the primary properties of hemp oil is an omega-3 fatty acid. This helps immensely in reducing anxiety and is also one of the best way to prevent sleep disorder, depression, chronic pain, and seizure disorder. Additionally, hemp is effective in suppressing nausea and vomiting and can be taken in edible form.

Nowadays, there are several video channels, (eg YouTube), which explain the health benefits of taking hemp oil. These educational videos also outline the highly recommended importance of taking hemp oil in carefully measured doses. Below we report on what some expectant females and experts say about the health benefits.

A pregnant woman touching her stomach

User and industry Feedback

Here are the testimonies of what some moms, and industry experts, say about the benefits of hemp seed oil.

● Morning sickness is one of the significant symptoms of pregnancy whereby women can feel nausea and may experience headaches in the early morning. Hemp seed oil can help to prevent this condition and can also give considerable relief from anxiety and sleeplessness.

● Working mothers often feel sickness due to work pressure, and can experience dehydration and dizziness. An adequate amount of hemp oil may help with this uneasiness.

● Pain and cramps are usual during pregnancy. When it becomes unbearable, hemp seed oil can come to the rescue. Therefore, experts are prescribing hemp seed oil in correct controlled and measured doses. 

● Hemp seed oil is also a natural remedy for mothers who have been prescribed bed rest.

● Hemp oil is a magic relief from fatigue. Usually in the advanced stage of pregnancy, an expectant mother may get continually fatigued. This is a natural symptom, as with the baby growing inside the womb, the mother has to constantly carry this increased weight.

● Hemp seed oil ensures zero traces of THC.

● Mood swings can also become a serious issue in pregnancy, and cause behavioural issue which may also affect one’s partners. Hemp seed oil can greatly assist here.

User Experiences

Julie Sandra, a resident of Auckland, has reported experiencing a magic healing from hemp seed oil from her post-pregnancy vitamin deficiency complications.

Alisa Mackenzie said, “I am a working woman, and I was severely affected by dehydration before my delivery in 2019. My friends suggested I try hemp seed oil. A proper intake  solved my issues with dehydration.”
Therefore hemp seed oil can become a trusted component expectant New Zealand mothers can use. With pregnancy, a female body may develop many complications and it has been proven that a proper controlled dosage of hemp seed oil does greatly assist in relieving many conditions.

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